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PMDC Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation Jobs

PMDC enjoys the trust of the Government

PMDC has the mining rights of largest proven reserves of salt, all across the country. Most significantly, it has the mining rights of the world celebrated, pink salt reserves. The pink salt resources are of deep interest not only in the local market at national level, but it also grabs the interest of foreign markets and salt traders abroad.


PMDC has been the official and formal channel between salt traders ever since its formulation in the 70’s, which has contributed in constructing its trustworthy name in the market. PMDC is a self sustainable corporation, with its presence in every province of Pakistan.

Given its exceptional geological data resources, state of the art logistical infrastructure and experienced human resources, it has earned a reliable name and reputation for itself.

Exploration and evaluation of mineral deposits

Pink Rock Salt is PMDC’s flagship project, which is extracted and exported in massive volumes annually, in the form of various artifacts and table salt. PMDC hopes to exploit pink salt in manner that can benefit its production industry, as well as attract foreign investors, in the best possible way.

PMDC is determined to regulate coal and salt mining in Pakistan, for better production of goods.

Pakistan Mineral DC

Given the accelerating demand of products like pink salt in the international market, PMDC is aiming to promote an inclusive investment culture in the mining sector of Pakistan through joint ventures and collaborations.

Vision Statement

The Management would strive to make PMDC the leading destination of mining sector through creating a congenial atmosphere in which all stake holder work as partners in a safe environment to achieve one common goal, sustainable development through mining.

Mission Statement

The Primary responsibility is to explore, develop, exploit, ensure availability, foster the efficient and effective regulation and management of the utilization and security of sustainable supply of minerals for economic development and requirements of Pakistan and to coordinate development of natural resources.

PMDC has 40% of total market shares in five operational Rock Salt projects. PMDC has the mining rights of the world’s largest pink salt mines with estimated reserves of 22.22 billion tons.


According to Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), given its natural extraction and preservation, the purity level of these Rock Salt upto 99.3%.

Major chemical industries across Pakistan, including LCI, Sitara Chemicals, Olympia Chemicals, Ittehad Chemicals (and several others) are the notable consumers of PMDC Industrial grade Rock Salt.


The Jobs advertisement of PMDC Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation image is as under:


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